The Envirocooler™ ActiVault™ works to improve the ease of transportation of temperature controlled goods.
Improved Efficiency: Eliminate the time and cost of gel packs to see how efficient your drivers can be when they aren’t managing the packing, cleaning and refreezing of these items every day.
Compact: the small footprint of the ActiVault™ increases your vehicle’s storage capacity. Multiple units can be used in the same vehicle for flexible capacity.
Security: the locking lid on the ActiVault™ keeps the products secure while in the delivery vehicle.
Promotable: the ActiVault™ system can be part of your value proposition to potential clients about your infrastructure to protect their products in your vehicles. There’s even opportunity to include your branding into the units.
Reliability: the ActiVault™ will be ready for your team every morning, even when an unplanned power outage occurs and would have caused delays from unfrozen gel packs.
Lightweight: convenient to move the ActiVault™ in and out of your vehicle, or to transfer between vehicles during long trips that involve transfers.
Upsell: offer the ActiVault™ as a premium service to your customers where they support the initial investment or the monthly lease price for their routes.

If interested, please contact us to learn more.